Wednesday, 2 November 2011

I've spent the past 2 weeks working hard at getting examples and breaking down to why they are scary. Noting down the best features or films, games, real life scary events and places.

Looking at and breaking down the features of successful films such as Alien, The Thing and Dawn of the Dead.

Looking at and breaking down the features of successful games such as: Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Amnesia the Dark Decent.

Bringing up exactly what was effective about all these horrors such as:

DOOM: Sudden events, the fact that monsters could spawn anywhere at sudden moments, from doors walls and secret panels.

Resident Evil: Setting, being placed in a strange old mansion where there appears to be no one inside, yet its lights are on and rooms are locked tight. Every voice echoes in the large rooms and strange moaning sounds enimate from around dark corners.

Silent Hill: Psychological, Used pshychological aspects to help scare the player such as basing creatures around torcher.

The idea is breaking al these down will help give me the understand to how to create scarier events for my level.

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